Friday, October 26, 2007

Ultrasound Pics

My friend Cat let me come over and scan the pictures the Doctor has given us from the ultrasounds. Here they are:

This picture is from our first visit on 2 August 2007

This picture is from 27 September 2007

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Half Way There!!!

Well, I had my 20 week doctor's appointment today. Everything looks quite good. The doctor hasn't expressed any concerns and other than the occasional lingering cough and some heartburn I am feeling quite well. Another quick visit with the doctor. My blood pressure has come back down (I get nervous at the office and it is higher than I would like). Another quick ultrasound (seems to be the doctor's norm). The doc was looking at the umbilical cord to make sure all the vessels look okay and checking to see if we could determine the sex or not. The doc is sure he knows what we are having, but seeing as I know there is at least one person who doesn't want to know, I'll leave that for you to ask me about. Next visit will be a longer one, as I have to do the glucose/diabetes test :P (ick) I have to stay there for at least an hour. I may or may not bring Jeff with me, despite it being visit he had planned on going to (every other one). Due to Thanksgiving, I won't be seeing the Doc again until Dec. 6th after I'm back from MN.

I had a wonderful trip to New York to see a friend from college marry a friend from high school. I got to see lots of folks I haven't seen in a long time and share our happy news. The trip was relatively uneventful, however it wasn't easy to get comfortable in the seats. My back was quite achy through most of the flights.

Nothing else going on. I only have 17 working days left until I am done working.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Coughs and Clothes

Went off to an SCA war (week long camping event) last week and had a wonderful time, except for a few things. First, people telling me what I can not do because I am pregnant got very old very quickly. Second, the sneezes and sniffles that I thought were just allergies progressed into a running nose and cough, making me quite miserable when waking in the morning and several times throughout the day, being at it's worst while camping on Saturday resulting in my decision to go home early on Sunday instead of Monday. Lastly, on Saturday, I started to have wicked round ligament pains in my left hip which radiated down to my leg. That was quite painful, made it difficult to walk, sit, and lie down, and screamed at me each time I coughed. Saturday night culminated with my hormones running rampant and having a hormonal, irrational bout of sobbing. My attempts to calm it myself failed, so I got Jeff, who helped me calm down enough to finally go to sleep (at the early hour of 9 p.m.). I awoke Sunday morning feeling better. The cough was less and the ligament pain had subsided for the most part.

I was very happy with my decision to come home on Sunday. It meant I was able to drive the car home instead of the truck, all packed down, which was a bit easier. I got home, rested and watched the (sad) Packers game. Monday resulted in my cough getting even worse and my body aching. Driving home with that would have been torture. I woke Tuesday morning feeling much better and having one more day of work off realized the bras I have been wearing no longer are comfortable or really work at all. Knowing that I started wearing a 34DD (also known as a E) an have grown in the bust close to 3", I chose to go shopping at a wonderful bra shop about 45 minutes away. I got there, was measured and am now comfortably wearing a 34G. While up in that area, I chose to go to a mall where I knew there were at least 2 maternity clothes shops (2x the number of any malls near home) and managed to get myself 3 henley shirts, 3 sweaters, and 2 pairs of jeans. I am quite happy to have some more clothes again. I still need to find another pair or two of suitable work pants.

Apparently, however, the trip shopping and my lungs did not agree. Since arriving home from shopping, my cough has been worse than others, at times making me feel like I was about to vomit or as if I am drowning. Yesterday (Thursday) I finally broke down and called the Dr. office to find out what cough syrup is safe for me and Roo. I promptly sent Jeff out to pick some up for me and found an immediate relief. Without the syrup, the cough is still unbearable. I plan on making an appointment to see the doctor either Monday or Tuesday if the coughing does not subside when off the medication over the weekend.