Thursday, October 29, 2009
We're moving!!!
We are moving into a house on December 1st. It's a rental, but it has a yard and garage and washer/dryer hook ups. Needless to say we are quite excited.
Now the request. For all you out there with little ones who have moved, how have you dealt with the packing progress with a munchkin underfoot? Any and all advice is welcome!
Thanks all!
Friday, October 16, 2009
19 Months old
Benjamin started a preschool program at our local JCC in September and is loving it. It is called Moving-On and is set as a transitional program two days a week. The first hour is parent participation where we spend most of the time playing on the playground. We then come in for snack (or music then snack on Thursday). Once snack is served, parents head out for the next 2 hours. Benji sometimes cries when I leave, but is usually happy within 5 minutes. He eats his lunch there and then I pick him up. It is great for both of us. He gets to experience new things and new people, and I get time to go run errands, work out, or do whatever without my shadow :)
We have been struggling with bath time lately. Benjamin had gotten to the point where he would not sit in the bathtub and screamed/cried the entire time. We got in the habit of often taking showers and he was fine there until his hair needed to be rinsed. The last 2 bath times have been better. Benji stood through most of the 1st one, but allowed me to wash him and rinse his hair with a washcloth. The last one he stood initially but eventually sat down and enjoyed splashing and having fun. He was even quite upset when he got out of the tub and tried to get back in. I still washed his hair with a washcloth, but we will hopefully slowly get better in the water.
Benji now has 12 teeth. He is communicating mostly through signs and gestures, but it seems like we are starting to get a new word or two daily. He runs around saying "da-bay". We haven't yet figured out if this has any meaning, but it is quite cute none the less.
One other struggle we have been having is whining and tantrums. Benjamin has quite a temper. When things don't go as he would like he screams, throws things, and generally flails. For a bit, we were seeing this 5 to 6 times a day, both at home and preschool. Luckily, the duration and frequency has decreased quite a bit, however we still see a tantrum occur at least once or twice a day.
We had a great time last week camping at an SCA "war". Benji loves being outside and enjoyed being so close to so many people, including our friend N who is 2 months older than Benji. The boys played very well together and we all enjoyed watching them play side by side and interact.
Monday, August 17, 2009
17 months old
In other updates, Benjamin continues to eat nearly any food we put in front of him. He loves to be social as long as Mom or Dad are around. I've been going to the gym regularly for the last month or so and Benjamin is in babysitting while I am working out. The first 2 times he was just fine. No tears, he just went on his way and played. After that, for about a week and a half, Benji would cry the entire hour I was gone. We have slowly decreased the amount of tears and usually only cry when mom leaves and comes back.
We have also had the opportunity to take Benjamin to the pool 3 times in the last month and a half. He does NOT like the pool. He cries when any friends or family are in the pool and nearly the entire time he is in the pool. He doesn't even want to be anywhere near a pool. It doesn't matter if it's child size blow-up pool or Olympic size pool. They all are evil in his eyes.
We are really enjoying this age. Both Jeff and I love to watch him explore his surroundings and figure out toys and other objects. We are amazed daily by the things he does and figures out. He makes us smile and laugh and marvel at how amazing and cute he is every day.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
15 months old
We had our latest visit to the pediatrician. Benji is a healthy growing 15 month old. He now weighs 22 lbs. 3 oz. and is 30 inches long. He's in the 10th to 25th percentile for both.
While at our visit, Benji decided to try out some climbing skills. He started out climbing up on a small child's chair. He then pushed it up against a larger chair, climbed from the small one onto the seat of the adult chair, and then up onto the back. He did get a bit frustrated that he couldn't manage to climb up onto the window sill. Ah, more fun and games.
He has also been trying to climb over the gate to the kitchen (after crawling under it didn't work). We'll see how long until he is crawling out of his crib. I hope it is a while yet.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Since we last left you...
- has gotten a haircut at a salon
- had his 8th tooth brake through (today) molars are expected soon
- has begun signing consistently, mostly more and food
- is really into eating paper right now
- has started talking instead of crying when he wakes and throws everything out of his bed and the shelves next to his bed
- enjoys emptying his toy bucket and putting things into it (he helps clean up)
- has started to figure out how many of his toys work and how to make the electric ones go on his own
- has started crying when one of us walks away...nearly always.
- has connected with our close friend Cat, cries when she walks away, calls her SCA name (Eilidh; pronounced AY-lee) and chases after her
- likes eating with utensils, or at least trying. doesn't quite have the logistics of stabbing and scooping food down yet. He is still a pretty good eater, willing to try anything and eat most things.
- may be progressing to one nap a day
- started pressing the buttons on the front of our TV, we figured out how to lock them (a sure sanity saver)
- thinks everything he picks up is a sword. He loves to pick up sticks, hairbrushes, and anything long and stick like. He will hand you a toy and want to hit the toys together with you.
- has adopted a "lovey". He looks for the blanket his Grandma Wendy knit for him whenever he is put into bed. He has also pulled it out a few times and walked around the house with it.
In short, Benji keeping us busy. The bathroom has to be kept closed because he throws everything in the tub, tries to flush the toilet, empties the trash can and pulls things off the top of the toilet and counter. Our bedroom door must be kept shut as he goes in and opens and empties the drawers and goes into our bathroom. The kitchen is gated off or he goes in and brings out "snacks", opens cabinets or plays with the locks on the cabinets, throws things in the garbage or gets things out of the garbage and opens the drawers.
We had an unexpected doctor's visit the end of last month when Benji fell into the edge of the dresser and wouldn't walk without holding onto something for a bit after it happened. Of course, by the time the doctor saw him he was running around the room and acting normally. Doc still checked him out and said his falling is just part of being age.
In short, Benji is a healthy, happy, active, almost 15 month old boy!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
A much delayed post
At his one year doctor's appointment B was 20 lbs. 14 oz and 28.5" long. He has just had a growth spurt and now is 29.5" long. We have a new pediatrician with whom we are very happy. I felt like he actually listened to me, asked questions about Ben's milestones and development, and did not seem like he was running out of the room, despite a VERY full office that day.
Our sleep issues have mostly been resolved, with Ben waking up often only when teething or feeling ill. Naps are regularly between 1.5 and 2 hours. Benji is babbling regularly and is sure to get his need communicated.
Benji's birthday party was wonderful, with many of our close friends who live in the area. Ben enjoyed his cake and socializing with all the guests. Ben was not at all interested in opening his presents, but has enjoyed them all.
Here are some of Benji's favorite things to do:
- Be outside, running around, or in his stroller, or being carried.
- Read books: Ben spends time each day alone in his room or in the living room paging through his books for 15 to 20 minutes at a time.
- Play or listen to music: either on a drum, xylophone, maracas, or anything else. He stops when he hears music and smiles.
- Watch football: When Benji sees football on TV, he will sit down on the floor and watch for a while before moving onto something else.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
11 months old
We had a great trip visiting Grandma Wendy and Zayde Mike while they were in Tuscon. Jeff stayed for a few days and then went off to an SCA war (Estrella) for 5 days. While there, Benji was his usual happy self for most of the time. Enjoying being around people. Benji missed his Papa while he was gone, becoming increasingly fussy and unconsoalable the last 2 days and was very happy to see Papa return (after being angry for a few seconds). He did really well during our 8 hour car rides, needing to stop only 3 times each way. We celebrated Benji's 11 month birthday with a cupcake, since Grandma and Zayde won't be able to be at Benji's 1 year birthday. Benji enjoyed the cake quite a bit. Pictures will follow soon, but have to wait since our camera got left in Tuscon.
As far as other things, sleep is going well. I feared we were slipping back into old habits in Tucson with tears at nap time and many waking at night and refusing to go back to sleep. Once we got home, Benji slept very well through the night (waking our usual 2 times) and had just gone down for a nap with no tears. Benji is a very good, big eater and has started to feed himself with a spoon. At breakfast this morning, Benji fed himself after I filled the spoon with cereal. Grandma and Zayde were very impressed with Benji's ability and joy in eating table foods.
So, Benji is growing, thriving, changing, smiling, giggling, amazing.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
First Step
Sunday, January 11, 2009
First trip to Disneyland

Other news/things since our last post: Benji is exploring his surroundings a lot now and goes just about everywhere in the apartment. He is not yet walking but getting more comfortable with his balancing and moving. We had a wonderful visit with my parents (Bubbe and Zayde). Benji enjoyed spending time with them and cuddling with them. We also had fun celebrating Hanukah (a few pictures available on Picasaweb). Benji enjoyed looking at the candles and by the 4th night really had the hang of tearing paper. He didn't care about what was in the paper, but it was fun to tear it off none the less. There is video of that, but I need to upload those when I have a chance. The last thing was Benji and Jeff had a great chance to bond and spend more time together over the holidays as Jeff had off of work for 2 weeks.
I am amazed to think that Benji will be 10 months old this week. I love all the developments, his sense of humor that is developing, his love of music, his observing people and things around him. I still wonder where my baby went. He has grown and changed so much in the short 10 months. Quite amazing.