Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Well, my appt. on the 25th went fine with no problems. The doctor gave me one article to read, but it hasn't really answered any of my questions, so before my next appt. on the 22 I'll be writing up a list of questions to be discussed sometime in the following month.

We got a couple of books that I am relatively happy with to help B understand all the changes happening. I think he gets it to a point, but we have seen a pretty dramatic increase of behaviors...screaming, daily potty accidents, hitting/pinching/headbutting me. He is starting to talk a bit about his baby brother beyond telling me there is a dinosaur in my belly. We went to a sibling preparedness class and I'm not sure he got anything out of it as he preferred to walk around the room and sing for the majority of the class. I got some good ideas from the class, however, so hopefully it was worth it. We also had B's 3 year check up. He is doing just fine. I LOVE his pediatrician! He is now almost 36" (wouldn't stand still to get an accurate measurement) and 32#.

As far as Mr. Bug...he's plenty active and growing fine. I am exhausted and much more uncomfortable than I remember being at this point with B. My back has hurt on and off since 14 weeks and just over a month ago I decided to try a chiropractor. He has done wonders and will hopefully assist me in having closer to my ideal birth (not a Cesarean). Last week, after going camping for the weekend, my back/pelvis was quite sore and I was looking forward to my appt. Unfortunately, between my Chrio going on vacation and B being exhausted and sick and staying home from school I missed my appointment. I am looking forward to my next appt. tomorrow. Not in quite as much discomfort as when I started seeing him, but I can notice a difference constantly.

So, we have less than 9 weeks left until our due date. I can't believe we are that close! I also look forward to having my body back and not feeling constant pressure in my abdomen as Bug seems to like to push and flip and turn whenever he is awake.

Next appt. is on April 22 and then we start our biweekly appointments.

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