Monday, February 28, 2011

24 week prenatal visit

Today was my 24 week visit at 25w1d. Both doctors were in the office today and both were running almost 45 minutes behind. Luckily, the nurse was on top of it. She brought me the glucose drink just shortly after my appointment time so I wouldn't have to remain for much longer after my doctor's appointment.

The drink tasted much worse then I remember from last time, however, I did not end up feeling sick or get heartburn from it (thankfully). By the time I was done with the doctor, I only had 10 minutes until the blood draw was needed, so the timing worked out well. I didn't even end up having to wait at the lab for more than 5 minutes.

Now to wait and hear the results...should know by the end of the week if we "passed" or if we need to go for the 3 hour test.

As far as the doctor's appt: I have finally put on some weight above pre-pregnancy weight. I gained about a pound a week this past month. If it continues at that rate, I will be satisfied. It puts some of my fears of gaining too much weight overall to rest!

The babe was in an active phase when the doc listened to the heart (of course since I just drank a bunch of sugar!). He did a quick ultrasound to see the baby's orientation. I guessed he would be transverse and the doctor dismissed it, saying it is a bit late for the baby to be lying that way. He went looking and sure enough, Cake's head is toward my left and feet/bottom are on my right. Exactly as I would have guessed. Funny how doctors dismiss a patient's body awareness. That is really my biggest complaint about my OB.

We had our first real discussion about VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) vs. repeat Cesarean. The doctor is supportive of VBAC's and is happy to allow me to attempt if that is my wish, but would like me to keep an open mind. In cases where there is late lack of progress, as B's birth was, the success rate is lower then normal VBAC's. He said we would revisit and discuss it when we are closer to 34 or 36 weeks and we see if Cake is still sitting high in the pelvis or has descended some. I will be doing a bit more research and plan on talking to people who have been in similar situations. Keeping my fingers crossed that the babe and my body cooperate with my hopes and dreams.

Next visit on March 25th. Hoping a Friday is less crazy in the office then Monday was!

1 comment:

Sarah/Enid said...

I didn't know you were going for a VBAC, as well as Sandra. It's awesome that you've found a supportive OB! I hope you guys both end up having good experiences. :) *Hugs*