Saturday, February 26, 2011


Things are continuing to go well with our little June bug! I am really feeling regular movements right now and getting to know his sleep/wake schedule. It's amazing how different his movements are from B's movements at this point. Much less kicking and more pushing/swiping movements. He's also a bit calmer in general. He does, however, manage to hit nerves in my back, my bladder and my cervix on a regular basis. I could do with out those.

Here's a little something I saw on one of the pregnancy boards I follow that I want to put down for posterity. It was so true with B. I imagine it will be 2 fold this time, as I fall more in love with our bug and as I watch B interact with him and fall more in love with him too!

"Nothing you hear or read anywhere can prepare you for how your life will change or how you will feel about your child. You and your partner will probably be sleep deprived; frustrated at times by inconsolable crying; your personal needs will take a backseat for a very long time. But when you see your baby smile, hear it coo for the first time or when he or she drifts off to sleep peacefully in your arms, the intense love and satisfaction you will feel are unmatched by anything on earth. Your child will be the most amazing, beautiful creature in the world. Your love for your child will give you the strength to slay dragons."

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