Friday, July 20, 2007

Morning sickness

Well, the title says it all. I was hoping, as I was in my 6th week I would manage not to feel morning sickness. I haven't had so much luck, it started Wednesday. I do however, have enough luck that it isn't as bad as it could be. I can still manage to eat, I just need to plan well and make sure that I don't wait too long between meals. Drinking water helps a lot at keeping it a bit at bay. I had Thai food for dinner last night, and the ginger (I ordered ginger chicken) helped enormously. It was the first time since waking up Wednesday that I didn't feel at all nauseous. I keep thinking that from everything I've read, this is a good sign that the placenta is developing well.

Other than that, on Tuesday I got a call from the Doctor with the results of my blood tests. "Everything looks fine, except the doctor would like you to come in and redo your hCG, some sort of lab mix up." I asked for clarification, but again was told that it was just some sort of difficulty with the reading. Wednesday I headed back to the Dr. office after work, got my paperwork for the labs and went to get one more lab done, nervous the whole time that this was a bad sign and in actuality my levels were too low. I started to get a bit worked up and decided, after looking closely at the lab sheet that the Dr. had checked the wrong box and only gotten a qualitative, not quantitative result thus I needed to test again. The morning sickness and Jeff helped me calm down on this point. As he said when I told him how I was feeling "well, that's a good sign."

I got the call yesterday that everything looks good, so now it's just waiting for the OB appointment in 2 weeks.

Finally, for all those who have been curious about the fibro, it is still here, as strong as ever. I've done more than my body is happy with the last few days, and I felt for it last night and this morning. I stayed home from work today, making sure to take extra good care of myself.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Doctor's Appointment

Friday I went to have a check up with my PCP. Everything looks good. I'm not completely comfortable with everything she said about natural births, however, from what I've read about the OB she has referred me to I am ecstatic. He has a VERY low rate of Cesarean sections. :) Everything I have read about him makes me comfortable. I have my first appointment in early August. We will see from there.

The one thing that really irked me about the doctor's appointment is that she said she was ordering labs. I asked if it was just blood or blood and urine and she said just blood, so I used the bathroom. Sure enough, I get the paperwork and UA is checked. Gah. They took 10 vials of blood (she said it should be everything the OB would want results of) and then I had to take a cup home and take it back to the labs on Sat. morning.

Still feeling well. Possibly more tired than usual (hard to believe) and the fibro is still here and kicking.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

First Post

Despite having many other blogs and places to write, I have decided that I need a blog to write about baby stuff.

Here's a warning, much of what is written in this blog will be TMI and info about what's going on with my body. I will try to provide warning before so that you may skip an area if you wish.

There was much frustration in the month of June. Jeff went away to Uprising, an SCA event in Utah around what I had figured was my most fertile time. I bought an OPK (ovulation prediction kit) to see if that would help nail down my ovulation. I've had quite irregular BBT (Basal Body Temp) most likely due to FMS and poor sleep cycles, so I figured an OPK could be helpful. It was positive the day that Jeff got home, but following that, he was tired and moody and had an irregular sleep pattern. I was positive that we had missed any chance to get pregnant. There was no clear rise in BBT, so I was also thinking that perhaps I didn't ovulate.

Fast forward to Saturday July 7th. We go to CP prize, which was an odd day due to site issues. I felt off much of the day, dizzy, vertigo type feeling, and some fogginess. I attributed it to FMS, being tired, and not having slept well the night before. While at the event, Greg and Sarina announced that they are expecting in March. I was at the Inn (a tent set up by friends) and Jeff returned and let me know, with a bit of bite in his tone. The rest of the day is quite nice, spending time at Mo and Jon's and with friends. We head for home (a bit later than I would have liked, but Jeff got to talking) and Jeff and Xandra talk nearly the whole way back to dropping them off. Once they have been dropped off, we have some quiet time, then Jeff comments that whenever it's the right time to let him know so we can start trying again. I commented on how exciting it is that Greg and Sarina are expecting, but all these people are telling everyone early. He indicates that he is a bit jealous. This made me happy because it means that this is really something he wants. I tell him I'm nearly positive that we missed this month, and as soon as AF (aunt flo) comes to visit and has left, I'll let him know. The past 2 or 3 months have been quite odd as far as my cycle goes, and seeing as I have no idea when I ovulated, I'm not fully sure when it should come. Not thinking I have any HPT (home pregnancy tests) at home, I tell him if it doesn't come in the next 2 days, I'll probably test, just to see. We get home around 11ish, turn on our current Netflix movie and I proceed to nearly fall asleep. I head to the bathroom and in looking for more solution for my contacts, notice that there is one hpt left from last month. I decide I'll take it in the morning and head off to bed.

Sunday July 8th, I wake when my alarm goes off at 6 a.m., take my temp (which has been a bit more elevated the last few days than normal) then fall back to sleep until about 9. I wake up because nature calls and take the test. Within moments, the test shows positive, quite dark. I wait the 2 minutes, amazed, and then wake Jeff up to tell him. "Your fucking kidding me" were his exact words, seeing as I said I was almost positive there was no way just the night before. We then head off to Saul's birthday party, where it is quite difficult not to tell all of these folks that we are expecting. I have always said I want to wait until the 12 week mark to tell people. Now that I'm pregnant, I can't wait that long.

On Monday, I set up a doctor's appointment for Friday, and now am waiting for the final verification. Jeff and I have talked about it and realize we aren't gonna be able to stay quiet for 6 more weeks. We decided we will be telling family and friends once all seems clear from the doctor.

So, there's the story of finding out we're pregnant :)