Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Nine months and a day

Benji is 9 months old now. He has cut 2 teeth and is eating a bunch now. He really is quite an amazing guy. Nearly every food he has been offered he has liked immediately (except carrots which took some time to like). Our schedule has helped a lot and we are now getting sleep. Nap time is still a little bit of a struggle, but we are at least getting two 40 minute naps. I'm hoping we will be able to move bedtime back a bit (it's at 5:30 pm right now) as sleep has improved.

EC is going well and Benji is letting me know in his way when he has to go and he usually waits to have a bm until he is offered the potty. I try to always offer after sleep, when I notice he needs to have a bm, and occasionally other times. He nearly always goes a little but often is dry and goes on the potty. I must say, the best part is not having to change poopy diapers.

Benji is often very adventurous and has been trying to stand independently for some time now. He even can manage to get to standing pushing up on a low basket on the floor.

That's about all for now. Hope everyone is well and enjoying the winter season.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

9 month doctors visit

We had our last visit with the doctor we chose before Ben was born. I chose to not change doctors before this visit because of Ben needing to get one of his 6 month shots again (it spilled last time). Everything that happened at the visit reinforced my decision, so next week we will be interviewing a couple of doctors.

Basic stats. 28" long, 18 lbs. 13 oz, 46.5 cm head circumference

We are struggling with Ben and sleep. He has been refusing to nap at times, fighting going to sleep at night and waking often. I have read 2 different books and tried many things. Hopefully something will help him get the sleep we all need. Naps have at least happened this week and I am getting him to bed a little easier. We shall see.