Thursday, March 17, 2011

B's 3rd Birthday

Our little man is now 3 years old! We had a really nice (and small) party at home on Sunday. Only 2 of the 3 invited friends were able to make the party, but a great time was had by all! It was relaxing and enjoyable, something I often don't find birthday parties (even ones we attend) to be.

Wednesday we celebrated his actual birthday by singing happy birthday, talking to all the grandparents on the phone or computer, having dinner of B's choice (eggs with salsa), and eating a cupcake after dinner. B also got to open his last present we had saved from the party.

Hard to believe our little guy is already 3 and going to be a big brother before long.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Just a few quick updates on how things are going:

I passed my 3 hour glucose tolerance test (yay). Big relief to not have to make major dietary changes and do the qid blood tests.

An amazing friend, who is also a doula, has offered her services as a gift. I am beyond grateful and looking forward to having her join our birthing team. Her knowledge has already helped calm me in countless ways!

I had my first chiropractor visit on Wednesday. I have several friends that swear by the relief they get from their chiropractors and from what I have read, it can help with a successful (and quicker) vaginal birth. I am happy with the chiropractor and feel a lesser amount of pain and discomfort (some of which I hadn't even realized I had until it was gone). I will see him once a week, unless things are going very well or it is necessary to increase the frequency. I was happily surprised to find out that our insurance covers 20 chiropractor visits annually. Hooray!

Now for a few busy/crazy weeks. B's birthday party is Sunday and his 3rd birthday is Wednesday (how did that happen?) Our next OB appt. is 3/25.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Rough few days

It's been a rough few days emotionally!

I've been trying to process the possibility that I it may not be in my best interest to attempt a VBAC. There is little to no information online regarding vaginal birth after a cesarean which occurred in the second stage of labor (pushing). Being the type who needs information to process and come to a decision, I have let the OB office staff know I would like whatever information the OB can give me. Hopefully he will provide me with information regarding the benefits and possible complications from a VBAC (specifically in cases such as mine), a repeat cesarean (RCS), and a Cesarean after failed VBAC in addition to studies and research regarding VBAC in cases such as mine.

In addition to that information request, I picked up the records the office had from B's birth (discharge summary and operative report). It has had some insight in it. I made more progress then I recalled. I don't have any of the "damning" diagnosis (ones that are contraindicated for VBAC). Both B and I were healthy and tolerated labor and the CS well.

It really appears to me that it was a case of my exhaustion more than anything else. From what I have been able to read and find, I hope that there are things I can do to improve my chance of being successful at a VBAC.

And, I think most comforting, Sandra is going to join us for labor to help me be strong and support me.

In addition to all of this processing/emotional thinking...I failed my 1 hour glucose test. Now I have to go in and do a 3 hour glucose test (actually takes 4 hours). I have scheduled for B to go into preschool early on Friday so I can make it to the lab early enough. Luckily, most women who fail the one hour test will pass the 3 hour. I'm hoping I am in that group! Fingers crossed!