Sunday, May 29, 2011


I've been delinquent in finding the time and energy to post updates, since my last post was for my 35 week appt. and I've been to the OB twice since then.

We are now at 38 weeks. OB visits have been pretty standard. Nothing huge to report. Cupcake is still hanging out somewhat high, not yet engaged. OB has agreed to let me go into labor on my own and if we find we need to switch plans to a cesarean section at that point, we can. I am finally feeling like I have gotten some of the information as to why they prefer a scheduled section, but the statistics are different enough, once antibiotics are on board (which is now standard in a c-section).

So, here we are, just waiting for this little one to decide he is ready to make his arrival. I am having irregular contractions most days. He continues to be active, pushing against my sides and ribcage. I am much more exhausted than I remember being at this point with B.

As far as everything else, we are pretty much ready for his arrival. Bags are packed, diapers are here and in drawers ready to be used, co-sleeper is set up in the bedroom and today a friend brought me her infant car seat. All that needs to happen now is to install it into the car and truck.

As far as B, we continue to have good and bad days as far as behavior and mood. He is quite tired lately, so even when naps happen they seem to do little to get him rested. He may also be coming down with a cold, which never helps. Poor guy is likely bored. We are trying to find things to keep him busy, but he often says "no" to anything suggested and we just don't have the energy to constantly be out and about with him. We did manage to get a couple of outings in the last few weeks though. May 22 we went with friends to Disneyland and we have been trying to get out and walk around the neighborhood regularly.

I must say, my biggest concern at this point is if Cupcake decides to be stubborn like his brother and hang out past his due date. B is done with his school year on June 8 and the school is closed except for full time kids the whole following week. Hopefully it isn't something we will have to deal with, otherwise B may be spending lots of time being bored at home and going with me at the OB office (beyond 40 weeks, the doc likes to do regular non-stress tests to make sure all is okay). No point in worrying though. We will cross that bridge if necessary.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

35 week OB appt.

Another quick easy appointment. Not at all what I expected since OB is going on vacation tomorrow (my usual visit day) and so B was at the appointment with me. He did awesome! I brought his Leapster (thanks Aunt Elysha for an awesome B-day gift!) and he played it and sat nicely in the chair without getting into everything in the office. Much more relaxed then I expected.

The office scale showed an increase of 6 lbs. in the last 2 weeks, but I am pretty sure it has to do with the fact that I had drank about a liter and a half of water before the appt. I had my last personal training appointment before Junebug comes and was VERY thirsty! I weighed myself at the gym before I showered (after working out) and I had gained only 3 lbs.

The doctor is happy with our progress. He looked at me as then at the chart and said he was surprised I am almost at 35 weeks. He would guess 26 or 27 based on my belly size. I find this funny, since last visit based on my fundal measurement he commented that I was having a big baby.

The best part of the appointment is after the doctor listened to the Bug's heartbeat with the doppler, B put down his Leapster, lifted his shirt and said "Me next!" It was adorable! I asked if he had a baby in his belly so we could listen to it's heartbeat and he giggled. It was awesome! It was a really special appointment having him there with me especially since he did such a good job listening and following directions.