Monday, November 12, 2007

Up at 2 a.m.

Well, I was exhausted yesterday and headed to bed before 8:30, figuring I would either get needed sleep or be up around 4 or 5 or so. I woke up as Jeff got ready to leave the house around 11:30 and didn't get back into a restful sleep for a while. Around 1, I was really awake and realized my arm itched. I went to scratch it and found a cluster of red bumps on my inner arm. Now, this usually wouldn't phase me, but on Friday, I was informed one of my co-workers has shingles and began to worry about the possible implications of this, bumps bringing the concern to the forefront.

Needless to say after about 2 hours of looking stuff up online (yay info and pics on the internet) and speaking with my mom this morning, who has seen both chicken pox and shingles, my fear has subsided. The bumps look nothing like either shingles or chicken pox. They don't hurt at all and the itching has lessened. I'm pretty sure what I have is simply an allergic reaction from sweating in a shirt that I didn't first wash. *Big sigh of relief*

In other news, things continue to go well with the pregnancy and Roo. Our next appointment isn't until after Thanksgiving. Roo continues to be active and the kicks and such are getting stronger. It feels at times that my whole belly is shaking. Next up is getting our registry taken care of. Much of which may happen while I'm in MN for 2 weeks.

Only 6 working days left. I leave for MN early next Wed. to return Monday Dec. 3rd. I'm looking forward to seeing my folks, and sister and brother-in-law.