Wow, time sure flies with a newborn. It's amazing to think that he was born 4 weeks ago. Life is still revolving around feeding him and just trying to get by, but I have more energy than I did even at the beginning of last week and was able to get out and do some needed shopping yesterday :)
Our biggest hurdle right now are some feeding issues. I had plugged ducts early in the week (ow), which lead to feeding off of both breasts during each feeding. This brought on some issues of hyperlactaion causing reflux for Ben. He would eat, be full but want to eat more because it calmed the burning sensation as he swallowed. This cause lots of spitting up and discomfort (both from reflux and being overful). He would also cry as if he wanted to eat, but not latch on and cry while feeding. After a bit of research last night we think we have found the problem. Things have been better the last 4 feedings, so hopefully that was the culprit.
While dealing with all of this, we offered Ben his first bottle last night. He drank an ounce, not a full feeding, but he had been nursing not long before.
I found one of the keys to getting anything done with Ben is to put him in the
moby wrap. We first put him in it when he was 9 days old and he immediately took to it. It has been a lifesaver when going out to eat as we don't have a baby carrier carseat. He loves to be held and will often cry when put down, so it helps me to have free hands to do things like wash dishes and just generally clean up.
Well, Ben has woken up and needs some attention. More soon.