Friday, April 22, 2011

33 week appointment

Short and sweet. Apparently there were cancellations today, so by the time I was done in the bathroom I was weighed and vitals taken. Got to the room and drank some water and then the doc came in. Wish things could be that fast every time.

Growth is average for gestation at this point, which, the doc feels is a little big for my size. Gained back the pound I lost last visit, but no more. Doc isn't worried about it.

I go back in 2 weeks for my next visit. B will be with me as the doc is headed on vacation and so I will be going on Thurs.

June bug is still plenty active. My back is hurting more again along with my pelvis. Not unusual, just not the most pleasant. We have changed the crib back into a crib from the toddler bed and gotten a bunch of our baby clothes back from the friend we loaned them to. Now to wash them.

Not much left to do to really be ready. Need to pack our hospital bag, open our account for diapers again, get our co sleeper back from friends (not necessary until next month). Crazy how soon we will be meeting this little guy! 7 weeks left till the due date...Wow!

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